
  1. This is an open contest. Anyone may participate in the Repair Competition 2024 except for the organizers.
  2. The source code for the submitting version of the repair tool should be archived in Zenodo, and the same version should be used to build the docker image hosting in DockerHub
  3. Provided docker image hosted at DockerHub should not be updated after the final submission deadline. The driver should specify the hash of the current image, which will be checked during runtime and any update to the image will be considered as a violation of the competition rules.
  4. Provided docker image should be self-contained, i.e. repair tool should not use external network communication.
  5. A repair tool should only output at most 5 patches per repair task. The driver for Cerberus can be configured for patch selection if a tool might generate more than 5 patches. If a repair tool outputs more than 5 patches, an arbitrary selection will be implemented.
  6. Patches generated by the tool should be for the provided source code (i.e. not for a transformed code), and should not include any identifying information of the participating team (i.e. tool name). Patches that do not adhere to this standard will be discarded.
  7. A submissions can be withdrawn from the Repair Competition only before the deadline for the submission of the final versions. After this deadline no further changes or withdrawals of the submission are possible.
  8. Violations of these rules, attempts to compromise the integrity of the competition infrastructure, attempts to interfere with other participants, collusion between the teams, or attempts to contravene the spirit of the competition may lead to disqualification of the involved participating teams.
  9. Participants retain ownership of all intellectual property rights in and to any submitted solutions, source code, custom tools, and related materials that participants had before submission.
  10. Participants grant the Organizers a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display the submissions, allowing the Organizers to test and evaluate the submissions for purposes of the competition.
  11. The organizers reserve the right, with careful deliberation, to remove a repair task from a competition track if it is determined that the subject is faulty and to clarify ambiguities in these rules that are discovered in the course of the competition. Participating teams may appeal to the organizers to request such decisions.
  12. All decisions of the Organizers are final.